Prepare yourself for a musical journey highlighting the accomplishments of legendary heroes like aviator Amelia Earhart, engineer Casey Jones, firefighter Molly Williams, and lumberjack Paul Bunyan with Uncle Mike's "Real American Heroes" show. Participation opportunities abound! Participants will be invited to wear hats similar to those worn by the heroes listed above while the audience guesses the jobs that go with them. Everyone will have fun answering age and theme-appropriate trivia questions on the aforementioned heroes and will be encouraged to check out books that go with them! Catchy sing-along polka songs and a quick round of "Name that Tune" further complement the program theme, and of course, no one goes home without doing the "Chicken Dance" and a special polka version of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." Plenty of singing, dancing, and education make this show fun for the whole family!
Location: Music Matters Tent (across the street from the Coffeehouse)